
Now we can finally render the state of our navigator! For that, we use NavContainer


NavContainer contains a ScreenContainer, BottomSheetContainer and a DialogContainer and will render our keys based on their navigation nodes and all the transitions we defined.


This will render all Screen navigation nodes. The dimensions of the container are bound to the NavContainer.


This will render all BottomSheet navigation nodes.

fun Navigator.NavContainer(
    bottomSheetScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.32F),
    bottomSheetContainer: Container = { content -> content() },

We can override the above parameters to provide defaults for our bottom sheets. In Guia, bottom sheets don't have any surface by design. This is to allow Devs to choose their choice of containers. For example, Material 2 or Material 3 surfaces. Every BottomSheet can also define its own scrim color, but we can override bottomSheetScrimColor to provide a sensible default.


This will render all Dialog navigation nodes.

fun Navigator.NavContainer(
    dialogContainer: Container = { content -> content() }

We can override the above parameter to provide a surface for our dialogs. In Guia, dialogs don't have any surface by default, for the same reasoning mentioned in BottomSheetContainer.

All Containers can be used individually, we are not tied to a NavContainer. We will see later how to create our own containers, navigation nodes and create custom navigation lgoic.

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