Multi module navigation

Let's suppose we have two features: Home and Profile

First, we can create these modules:

:feature:home and :feature:home:navigation

:feature:profile and :feature:profile:navigation

And ofcourse we have our :app module.

Profile feature module

:feature:profile will depend on feature:profile:navigation

First, inside :feature:profile:navigation module we can declare our profile key:


class ProfileKey(val profileId: String): NavigationKey

Then, inside our :feature:profile we can create an extension function on NavigatorConfigBuilder to tie our key to a Composable:


fun NavigatorConfigBuilder.profileNavigation() {
    screen<ProfileKey> { key -> ProfileScreen(profileId = key.profileId) }

class ProfileScreen(val profileId: String) {
    val navigator = requireLocalNavigator()
    Column {
        Text("Profile for: $profileId")
        Button(onClick = { navigator.pop() }) {
            Text("Go back home")

Home feature module

Our :feature:home gradle file will depend on :feature:profile:navigation and :feature:home:navigation modules. So we only have access to ProfileKey and not the entire feautre:profile module

Inside :feature:home:navigation we can declare our keys:


class HomeKey: NavigationKey

Then inside our :feature:home module:


fun NavigatorConfigBuilder.homeNavigation() {
    screen<HomeKey> { HomeScreen() }

fun HomeScreen() {
    val navigator = requireLocalNavigator()
    Column {
        Text("Home Screen!")
        Button(onClick = { navigator.push(ProfileKey("profileId")) }) {
            Text("Navigate to profile")

app module

Finally we can link those features in our :app module, since it depends on all those modules above:

val navigator = rememberNavigator(initialKey = HomeKey()) {


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