Dynamic Navigation Node

We can define a dynamic NavigationKey that renders a different navigation node based on the current screen width for example. Even if we change the navigation node from a Dialog to a BottomSheet we can persist the same ViewModel and SavedStateRegistry. To share some UI State between the two types, make sure to add a key to your rememberSaveable call, since they are rendered in different containers, they have different compositionKeyHash which is used to automatically key the rememberSaveable calls.

val navigator = rememberNavigator { 
    if (screenWidth <= 600) {
        dialog<DynamicKey> { DynamicContent() }
    } else {
        bottomSheet<DynamicKey> { DynamicContent() }

fun DynamicContent() {
    // This saveable text will be persistent even if we change from a dialog to a bottomsheet!
    val someText = rememberSaveable(key = "text-key") { mutableStateOf("Text") }

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