
Let's suppose we have a bottom tab navigation and we want to switch between the tabs and keep their history. Guia allows that behavior using a NavHost:

First we declare our different keys for each stack (or tab):

object HomeStackKey: StackKey

object FeedStackKey: StackKey

Then we can create our navigators and our nav host:

val homeNavigator = rememberNavigator()
val feedNavigator = rememberNavigator()

val navHost = rememberNavHost(
    initialKey = HomeStackKey, // Optional.
    entries = setOf(
        StackEntry(HomeStackKey, homeNavigator),
        StackEntry(FeedStackKey, feedNavigator)

Then we can render our NavHost state using NavHost.NavContainer:

fun NavHost.NavContainer(
    modifier: (StackKey) -> Modifier = { Modifier },
    bottomSheetScrimColor: @Composable (StackKey) -> Color = {
        MaterialTheme.colors.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.32f)
    bottomSheetContainer: StackKeyContainer = { _, content -> content() },
    dialogContainer: StackKeyContainer = { _, content -> content() },
    transitionSpec: AnimatedContentScope<StackEntry?>.() -> ContentTransform = {
        EnterTransition.None with ExitTransition.None

As you can see we can have different nav container params based on our stack key.

Switch navigators

To switch which navigator is currently active we can use setActive:


We can also directly navigate using the NavHost using currentNavigator or navigator(key) functions:


// Although we aren't on HomeStackKey, we can still navigate in that context

Getting NavHost Instance

// Get the local nav host, returns nullable NavHost
val navHost = localNavHost()

// Use when you are 100% sure there's a nav host in the tree hierarchy
val navHost = requireLocalNavHost()

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