This will slide the content left/right with some fading in/out as the navigation keys are navigated.
Second, we need to update our NavigatorConfig to add the transition:
val navigator = rememberNavigator {
// Provide a default transition between all keys
defaultTransition { -> MaterialSharedAxisTransitionX }
// Provide a transtion based on what the previous key and the new key are.
// Add some logic, this returns EnterExitTransition.
defaultTransition { previousKey, newKey, isPop ->
if (isPop) {
} else {
// Key transitions
keyTransition<MySpecificKey> { -> CrossFadeTransition }
// Node transitions
nodeTransition<Screen> { -> MaterialSharedAxisTransitionX }
nodeTransition<BottomSheet> { -> CrossFadeTransition }
nodeTransition<Dialog> { -> VerticalSlideTransition }
Overriding transitions
We can override a specific transition before we set a backstack, for specific cases where we need to simply override a single setBackstack 's transition.
To do so we can use overrideTransition:
// Override the next Screen transition
// Override the next BottomSheet transition
// Override the next Dialogtransition
Animating elements with navigation transitions
All navigation nodes are animated within an AnimatedContent which provides an AnimatedVisibilityScope. We can gain access to that scope in our Composables using NavigationVisibilityScope:
fun HomeScreen() {
NavigationVisibilityScope {
text = "I animate with the navigation transition",
modifier = Modifier
enter = slideInVertically { it * 3 } + fadeIn(),
exit = slideOutVertically { it } + fadeOut()