NavHost Multi module

In NavHost we saw how we can create a component that can manage the state of multiple navigators at the same time. In this section we will learn how to do that in a multi module project.

First, if you haven't read Multi Module Navigation, read that first then come back, it will give a bit more context about the example being used below.

We will use the same structure that we had in Multi Module Navigation, where we have two features: Profile and Home, but instead of them being individual screens, now we will be using them in a NavHost.

We will add two more features: Onboarding and BottomNav. Onboarding will be the first screen when we open the app, BottomNav will be the screen holding the NavHost.

Updating Home and Profile modules

Now that those features are tabs, we can also add a StackKey to their respective navigation modules:

object HomeStackKey: StackKey

object ProfileStackKey: StackKey

Onboarding feature module

feature:onboarding will depend on feature:onboarding:navigation and feature:bottomnav:navigation

First, inside :feature:onboarding:navigation module we can declare our onboarding key:


class OnboardingKey(): NavigationKey

Then, inside our :feature:onboarding we can create an extension function on NavigatorConfigBuilder to tie our key to a Composable:


fun NavigatorConfigBuilder.onboardingNavigation() {
    screen<OnboardingKey> { key -> OnboardingScreen() }

class OnboardingScreen() {
    val navigator = requireLocalNavigator()
    Column {
        Button(onClick = { navigator.push(BottomNavKey()) }) {
            Text("Go to Bottom nav")

BottomNav feature module

feature:bottomnav will depend on feature:bottomnav:navigation , feature:home:navigation and feature:profile:navigation

First, inside feature:bottomnav:navigation module we can declare our bottom nav key:


class BottomNavKey: NavigationKey

Then, inside our :feature:bottomnav we can create an extension function on NavigatorConfigBuilder to tie our key to a Composable, however here we will actually be expecting the navigation for both home and profile. We can pass those as parameters to our bottomNavNavigation function.


fun NavigatorConfigBuilder.bottomNavNavigation(
    homeNavigation: NavigatorConfigBuilder.() -> Unit,
    profileNavigation: NavigatorConfigBuilder.() -> Unit,
) {
    screen<BottomNavKey> { key -> 
            homeNavigation = homeNavigation,
            profileNavigation = profileNavigation

Then we pass them down to our screen where we will create a NavHost:

class BottomNavScreen(
    homeNavigation: NavigatorConfigBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
    profileNavigation: NavigatorConfigBuilder.() -> Unit = {}
) {
    val homeNavigator = rememberNavigator { homeNavigation() }
    val profileNavigator = rememberNavigator { profileNavigation() }
    val navHost = rememberNavHost(
        initialKey = HomeStackKey,
        entries = setOf(
            StackEntry(HomeStackKey, homeNavigator),
            StackEntry(ProfileStackKey, profileNavigator)

App module

Finally, we can tie everything up together in our app module!

val navigator = rememberNavigator(
    initialKey = OnboardingKey()
) {
        homeNavigation = { homeNavigation() },
        profileNavigation = { profileNavigation() }


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